Winter on the Bruce Peninsula

Bruce Pen Winter

Unbelievably the winter is near over already, it being March again the snow is starting to melt and its finally safe to go out and make some beautiful pictures! Here is a breath-taking view from a small lake, just south of Cabot Head!

And to think of the beautiful autumn we had!

A beautiful storm rolling in over the lake; a great view over the yellow flowers!

A beautiful storm rolling in over the lake; a great view over the yellow flowers!

Apples thrown down by the coming cruel winter from the popular apple tree beside the lighthouse.

Apples thrown down by the coming cruel winter from the popular apple tree beside the lighthouse.

The Sun Going Around the Lighthouse

An early sunrise at 5:03 AM.

An early sunrise at 5:03 AM.

Sunshine cascading off the clouds as its setting.

Sunshine cascading off the clouds as its setting.

The sun setting under a clear blue sky.

The sun setting under a clear blue sky.

The sun diving into the water; lower and lower as the glow fades into dark.

The sun diving into the water; lower and lower as the glow fades into dark.

The sun setting over the lighthouse.

The sun setting over the lighthouse.

Note the sailboat in the reflection of the setting sun over the water.

Note the sailboat in the reflection of the setting sun over the water.

Sun diving at a late 9:32 PM.

Sun diving at a late 9:32 PM.

A bright yellow setting sun over the bay.

A bright yellow setting sun over the bay.

Setting sun cascading over the Georgian Bay.

Setting sun cascading over the Georgian Bay.

A rising sun through the trees.

A rising sun through the trees.

A rising at an early 5:09 AM.

A rising at an early 5:09 AM.

Some Wildlife At The Lighthouse


We saw a very cute little bunny that came over every morning to visit us! This photo was taken by the gardens at 7AM


This is one of the many snakes that live around the path, we are not sure what kind of snake it is, but we thought it might be a fox snake. And yes, this snake is blind on its left eye; that is why I was able to get so close.


On our way up we saw two small turtles crossing the road leading the lighthouse. We think that they were painted turtles.


Here you can see three loons, and the white bird in the back is a seagull. It was very amazing to see so many loons so close. Seeing them is one thing, but hearing them is another! Those beautiful birds were calling all morning: they have such a special call that when you hear it once…you’ll always recognize anywhere and anytime.

There have also been many sightings of different kinds of snakes, plenty of chipmunks, foxes, many different kinds of birds (blue jays) and last year there were even reports of black bears around the amazing grounds of the Cabot Head Lighthouse.